Que souhaitez-vous savoir
Pendant des années, j'ai été une source utile pour ceux qui recherchent de l'inspiration, de l'aide ou des conseils. J'ai finalement décidé de posséder ce rôle et d'être intentionnel à ce sujet. J'ai commencé à écrire sur mes passions, mes pensées et mes curieuses interrogations sur notre monde. J'ai fondé Hannah's Bitchin 'Kitchen en 2019 avec pour mission de donner aux autres un avant-goût de ce qui se passe dans ma cuisine et d'enseigner aux autres à quel point il peut être facile de véganiser un repas. J'espère que ce site Web sera un outil utile pour ceux qui sont de nouveaux végétaliens à la recherche d'idées de recettes savoureuses et de gourmets expérimentés.
Prenez le temps d'explorer le blog, lisez quelque chose d'intéressant et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez collaborer à un projet ensemble.
Hannah's Bitchin' Kitchen was created in 2019 to showcase easy and exciting vegan recipes and cocktails. Hannah and her husband first went vegan a year before their wedding in a bid to be healthier and make more compassionate food choices.
Hannah was an avid cook before and didn't want her vegan cooking to comprise on flavour. Many of her family and friends were also newly vegan and felt that after a while they were 'stuck in a rut' with their new way of cooking and needed some inspiration. Hannah started to share recipes with her family and friends and they soon requested more and more recipes.
Hannah's Bitchin's Kitchen website went live in 2019 and served as a great source of recipe inspiration and useful tips on vegan cooking. Hannah's Bitchin' Kitchen offers recipes with 'smart swaps' for those missing their old favourite dishes such as Chilli Non Carne, Spaghetti Bolognese, Carbonara and Lasagna, indulgent recipes such as Paella, Blueberry Pancakes, Exotic Curries and Chorizo Stew and recipes brimming with flavour such as Shawarma Kebabs, Quesadillas, Rum Tacos and boozy barbecued Tequila Pineapple.
Hannah's Bitchin' Kitchen also features step by steps guide to making classic and contemporary vegan cocktails, sharing information on how to identify vegan beers, wines and spirits and offers to 'veganize' your favourite cocktails.